Monday, July 04, 2011

Revolution Summer (a series of 7 inches)

I have not been updating this for a while. Both my parents were hospitalised and my father went for an operation too. So my life was a bit haywire for the past few weeks or so. Harraz grew to 10 months yesterday and it has been quite a process of seeing him grew into him today.
Family and work has taken a large portion of my life. I hardly had any time left for others especially my two hobbies which is vinyl collecting and mountain biking. But the orders keep coming through and it came to a point that the item coming in is a lot more faster than the one I am reviewing or writing for the sake of doing it. But hell it was fun and addictive especially seeing kids (or old farts) coming in and sending messages to me. Kudos to those peeps.

Large of my collection came from the 90s era, on which is very obvious in my earlier post. What I have not highlighted is that I own quite a number of awesome or inspiring early 90's emo which I considered as classic. Emo that we know or at least the one I know based a lot on emotions, abrasive and heartfelt music. I guess somewhere like mid 90s bands like Sunny Day, Mineral and others came up with their brand of mid-western emo that is a lot more slower and mellower.
During this time, emo evolves into a lot more diversity in terms of musical taste and it has been continuing doing so ever since. It can be a good thing or a bad thing, but to me, it evolves into something more easy listening and unfortunately, losing the roots of the facts that emo once comes from HC and punk circles.
I wish I had more time to snap all the pictures on which I promise that I will be doing more soon. Here are some of the stuff that came in lately and some that I have been winning in ebay. If you have 90s emo records and you decided you passed over that whiny stage, kindly get in touch.

Here are some of the piles on emo vinyls, I will be going on one by one soon. Starting with those below, feel free to comment or share with others.

I got this from a record store in Singapore and I guess it has been years lying there. Amenity is those few bands that started it together with Candle and others. At the time that I am updating this, there is Amenity "this is our struggle" on ebay. Its on clear, so if you are reading this, dont bid, leave it to me please :p

This is another important band from that era but they came up in late 90s and play beautiful moving screamo but not like the emo violent stuff. We used to listen to this all day long together with Keepsake (another great emo bands from late 90s). Ahhh those days

This is another great split from Arab on Radar and Locust. This is released under 3.1.G and owns by the non other than the legendary Justin Pearson (who drummed for Struggle, Locust and other great bands). Arab on Radar plays noise rock in a weird style. sound was typified by thickly distorted, repeated bass grooves, 4/4 drum beats, and two deafening guitars that employed contrasting melodies and near-unison chords that drew comparisons to the Contortions. Their live shows often featured spitting,trisomic parody, and full nudity. Locust on the side plays manic frantic emo violence. 

If there is any bands that effects me emotionally, Inkwell, Frail, Anasarca and Merel does it for me. They play half screamy, half crying, frantic, abrasive, manic emo. I do not have any words to describe the "beautiful" music that they are playing. A must for 90s emo fan.

If there is any place for good emo bands besides U.S is France. They produced some of the most important emo bands from that era including Fingerprint, Shatter The Myth, Ivich, Anomie, Jasemine and some others. But Amanda Woodward is one of them. Moving rocking half screamy half screaming emo and those sound that you would expect from a France band. Check Daitro too, another good current France emo band. Note : the cover is special with a leathery feel. I love the details of this release

Another rocking release from mid 90s, MidCarsonJuly. Nothing big but another important release from that era

Another awesome band, I guess this was released somewhere at the height of Deep Elm on which Dead Read Sea released their other stuff. But this is from Ignition UK. Deep Elm sounding band.Yeah, Mineral came from that label, they slowed down a few years back and I guess they are coming back again. I missed those bands especially Appleseed Cast, Planes Mistaken for Stars, Pop Unknown, Mineral and others. Good time

Victory released few stupid bands but during their heights, they have the best bands in the HC scene especially with Earth Crisis and Snapcase. They have some good emo bands especially with Guilt, Cast Iron Hike and By the Grace of God. This is a re-release of the earlier release on Victory. Worth to get one especially on colored vinyls :p

Another release from Deep Elm : Starmarket

Screamo again : Anton Bordman, plays like Locust but less maniacal but still with frantic parts. Very noisy and abrasive. 

Another important emo from Phyte Records. Awesome band

Ebulltion came in late mid 90s and say fuck to the other side of HC. They practically known as the Ebullition sound with important bands like Downcast, Bleed, Monster X and you name it. SXE, emotional and yet still HC enough. I still have copies of their zines on which I will post later. Bleed came from those era and an important era in my books. 

I guess I need put a stop here. I wont stop talking on subject of my interest but I guess I do not want to wake up those jaded scenesters. So let them be yeah. Meanwhile, keep rocking and keep those vinyls spinning. 


Siewmeng said...

Greetings from Sri Lanka!

Wah Bro, your engrand - so POWERDEFULS! I had no idea you can spin (pun intended) words so well.

I pray for your parents well being Bro!

Live long and prosper! And may vinyl and mountain-biking last forever! :D

Piesay said...

alamak boss, quite malu that you are seeing the other part of me. guess it stays inside me for so long. thanks for commenting boss. see you soon.

the monaco said...

i'm seriously into 7" format than bigger vinyl (10". 12", Lp). thanks for posting this one. keep it up!

Piesay said...

hi monaco, thanks for the comment. i supposed to post some more few mths back but again married and adult life doesnt spare that much time esp if you have so many hobbies and havin a kid. that aside, ill put up some more soon after my long holiday. indeed bro, 7" rules. tho any weird sizing like 5" or 6" is always a plus for my collection. seriously, wax is d way to go :p. thx for writing, keep positive mate

the monaco said...

i would like to know more about your personal collection (especially the 7" format). i'm really enthusiastic on it. keep on writing, bro.


Piesay said...

ill post it some more soon, now probably too tight with raya, open house and other odd stuff. ill post more soon, hopefully i would be able to find more time soon :p