I am so sorry that it has been few weeks if not months that i have missed in updating the blog. Life as you know it full of uncertainties and surprises. But then, on the positive side of it, what is life without all those. The fun part is about riding it and not dwelling about certain matters.
I will start with a shout out to my friends in Japan which was hit by tsunami. All my prayers goes to them. I would also send my prayer and shouts to people in Egypt, Tunisia and other counties who willingly putting themselves at a risk in the name of freedom. That alone, carries a lot of indescribable words to me. Instead, I remember somewhere around last week that I read a report from Tunisia.
The revolution was particularly sparks by a fruit seller who burns himself in front of the government building for the sake of tired with the government policy and other shit. On the other hand, I truly believe that all the resistance must be kept.
On the other hand, I felt guilty reviewing my vinyls and going crazy about colored and limited vinyls when people in the other part of the world does not have any option rather than taking up their arms. My god bless them.
Coming to my life, it has been busy as usual but I guess that is part of me. I realized the consequences will take up more of my free time but again, I always does not have any hesitation towards doing something I love. Or more even passionately in this matter.
So here are some updates from my picture vinyls and some of the vinyls on which I considered as must have (in my own book or definition anyway)
First, I would go with the Clash. I hardly listens to any punk bands in my life with an exception of a very few punk bands. Sex Pistols was the first before I listen to GBH, Exploited before I found politics as an important essence in punk or hardcore at the moment.
I became obsessed with the politics side of the punk and listening to the Clash, Conflicts and Crass was probably the most inspiring bands that fuels my angst at that moment.
Some of these stuff are classic album that I hold dearly to my collection. Quite priceless I'd say since I got them on cheap. Movin on is some of the pictured vinyls that I have, was supposed to add more unfortunately some distro are out of stock on some of the records that I ordered.
Few bands that helps me during those sickening period of my life. Music is something that I turned into when those period hits. Joy Division might not be around anymore but the impact of their music is unrelenting. They brought punk into a different level with their electronic goth sound, sort off early post punk definition to be exact.
Aloha is a band under Polyvinyl Records and along other bands from that label, they rules my player for a long time. I mean who can forget Braid, Rainer Maria, American Football, Owen and others. Indeed they are very special label which reminds me of Doghouse but at a larger scale. Aloha plays beautiful electronic music with a lot of emotions being thrown in. They reminds me of bands like Ariel Kill Him, Tristeza and same others on the same line. A lot of people will despised this as weepy emo rock but hell, this is good music.
Brother Inferior as the band being named does not easily falls into any category. But they consists of all-stars line up which probably having me buying their stuff. The unique part is that it shapes as a coffin. They play powerful & melodic along the lines of old Youth Brigade & other classic Cali bands of the early 80's. You can hear the thrash & street punk influences present in their music as well. Brother Inferior broke up in 2000.
Cursive is a band under the label of Saddle Creek. They sounds like most of the bands from that label. Outside they sound like a hint of mellower Modest Mouse with songs being driven by powerful vocals. Very intuitive and different.
Another band that moves me a lot. Morrissey whether he is in The Smiths or being solo carries the most powerful vocals around with his brits accents and wonderful lyrics. I cannot say how much I love The Smiths and Morrissey as a solo artist as well. Two important bands after punk era from British would easily be The Smiths and The Cure (I probably have to drop Iron Maiden in this case. Sorry people, I am not metal enough).
This is the two bands that starts it all. Sex Pistols starts or probably ignited the punk scene in UK with their shock and weird dressings plus obnoxious attitude. Unfortunately during those Thatcher era, that is something that the youth needed to vent their frustration on issues like Vietnam, working class issues and unemployment. An injection that was needed at those desperate times.
Nirvana as we know it is the band who opens door to a lot of underground bands into mainstream. On the other side they make people believes that it is okay to pick up guitar and play your own music. Seattle grew after Nirvana with bands like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Mother Love Bone and a lot of other bands from that era. It was a special time for me and I still remember collecting every cassettes or bands that sounds like them. I guess there was a progression after that before I find HC and other ideas.
Hope this wont be last entry of the week, and to all my brothers in Middle East, keep on fighting.
nice bro,bnyk sgt nya picture disk.Jelous .HAHAHA
thx bro, ada few belum masuk lg. but yeah, i love colored and pics lp
damn. gua jeles tgk sume collection ni.. hahaha
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