Friday, January 07, 2011


I came from a town call Johor Bahru which lies on the southern part of peninsular Malaysia. We lives around half an hour from Singapore which is in a way much more advance of us in term of music and fashion. Mind you that this was a time before internet or ebay or facebook. Some of us who had extra pocket money would go to Singapore to get our skate shoes, t-shirt and others.
During the same time particularly in early 92, I came to know bunch of peoples who hangs out at Plaza Pelangi which used to be a place for kids to hang out besides Plaza Kotaraya and Holiday Plaza. I was repeating my SPM paper when someone gave me a listen to Biohazard album. To someone who have been used to listen to RAP music i.e NWA, Public Enemy and stuff (again, this was a time before hip hop as well as internet), listening to Biohazard is not something that I enjoy at first. There is so much noise and I cant even hear the lyrics.
Months from there I guess the whole noisy thing grows me on me and I started to trade tapes and dubbing all the "alternative" music that I can get my hands on. And that continues until I came upon Youth of Today on which it has completely changed my life and perception of the whole thing.
At this time, there were new people who came into the scene and we were suddenly called JBHC a synonym of Johor Bahru HardCore. It was fun especially being so small and seeing a lot of them into bands, zines or at least doing something. There was particularly no barrier, it was the same kid who are into bands would do zines and others. Bands would suddenly formed and played at local shows and outside. Never Ending Threat, Deadly Weapon, Karisma, Reprisal, Beyond This Point, Endless Pain, Siren Liberty are some of the most interesting bands that came from Johor Bahru.
As well as few zines like Gamelan, Roots, Chronically Donuts, Sufferage and others. I am sure it was still the most special time for some of us.
Who can forgets all the incidents in KL, hanging out at the bus stand or rail station while waiting for the right time to have a bath (if there is a need), surviving on RM10 for a trip to KL, getting free tickets while going to gigs, having free foods at Lorong Katak, hanging out at Piccadilly and CM. It was for me a great time and special moments that I will never forgets.
Again, unlike so many great things, it would suddenly came to an end with the emergence of emo or indie scene. People start getting jaded and frustrated with the scene. It was also a time when internet starts to creep into HC and vice versa. Or probably it was the time to end...

man, moc, zam pari, me, apek & rudy project ak in front of piccad circa 95

kapal, moc, itik, me, bad, kreator, su, made anka, ajeep etc before s &m gig circa 93

gboy, mader, shah, fadil, kerol, me, arab, itik and etc at wadihana before gig circa 97

mat pang, gboy, shah, me, man, moc, big, semut, kerol, zila, kakak, yunus, melissa etc at koraraya JB circa 96

gboy, me, zam and others at pelangi circa 96

zam, gboym me, man, fuad and others at pelangi circa 96

man, arab, lam, moc, alim, poji and etc circa 98

ajeep, wan nop, moc, me, alim, arab, man etc in front of piccad circa 95

shah, moc, om, me, wan another side, man, alim near piccad circa 96

apek slamming in piccad circa 96

went to jamming with klhc kids near bangsar circa 95, arab, me, apek, apek kl,  man, wan nop and others

alim, me, apek, moc, ayut, mail rasakh, itik and others before goin to gigs in JB circa 98

man, moc, fadil, apek and zam showin their stuff in KL before gigs circa 96

Malibu legendary HC shows- Endless Pain. seen here lam, alon, bob and myself

at jimbos wedding circa 2001- me, zam, mat anak liar, dicky ripoff and others

manifestation of msian hc- and controversial too

kip was the first to get married- seen here circa 2000- mel, zam, gboy, rayzaw, itik, kip, david, dicky, yon, me, poji, mail rasak, kecik, semut, fuad and others

man moc and shah doin stupid stuff. those two now an artist and ekin got married to mawi. circa 2000

raya gathering- apek, poji, me, man, moc, arab, fuad and others. forgot which yr

another raya session at someones house, me, apek, man, moc, alim and artists

letter from raybeez for our first zine, rip ray

man and moc thinkin of joining vietcong

fadil doin his normal stuff, NET circa 2001 malscene reunion

sufferage- the beast that we created in 93. stopped doin it after third issue. 

must have tee shirt for jbhc peeps in 96

NET tee front

sufferage reviews

shows tag

more reviews

sufferage 2nd issue

sufferage third issue, the last one 
p/s this is a dedication to those who have been kind enough to spare some of their precious time for JBHC. you know who you are


absence said...

great post brah

those day mmg best, takdak pikir lain selain hxc hehe

emotion device said...

Nice.. hahah semua muda-muda.. spirit memang melambung tinggi.. scene jb memang menjadi perhatian dan membawa pengaruh besar khususnya di seluruh negeri Johor dengan bangkitnya scene-scene dari daerah lain seperti Kota Tinggi, Kluang, Batu pahat, Pontian dan Segamat. Dan vanue-vanue gig di JB menjadi impian untuk semua band HC dari luar JB pada masa itu untuk beraksi.. Mana tidaknya sesekali gig di buat ada mereka yang datang dar seluruh Johor pernah melebihi 1000 orang.. memamg phenomena la.. cuma apa masalahnya sekarang ini tidak boleh berlaku lagi?.. any idea?..ermm

Piesay said...

thanks enol and e.d, no doubt it was a great time that we all keep it in our heart. thanks for the comment. feel free to pass this link to those related people in those days. its good to hear some of the comments. almost 200 hits (i expect to hit it by tonight) in 2 days. this is awesome. thanks guy. more will be comin

The Pooper said...
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The Pooper said...

wah, haven't read a scene report in a long time, albeit a retrospective one haha

definitely good times and incomparable to any aspect of today's underground (really?) scene - well at least to my personal observation :)

those were the days where it really took effort to understand what needed to be done unlike today where someone boleh jadi HC after just one day's browsing on YouTube hehe

JBHC never died in any of us, true that

Piesay said...

peeps, never intend this one to be a scene report and i dont think it is. its just a feeling that has been bottled up for sometime and i guess its just an expression on what i felt yesterday. call me sentimental or whatever, that was as sincere as it is. thanks for supporting, keep commenting

NEOFISHY said...

hahahahhhha....dicky rip off...hahahahahahahha....nice one...hahahahah

memori kena ada, sbb ianya pembakar semangat bro....but, apa2 pun, kena pandang ke depan, tapi jgn lupa toleh ke zaman silam....

sebuah cerita kenangan yg bagus....keep it up pie!

DJ madey said...

keep it up bro pie....nice memory to remember jbhc...rules

M.O.C said...

ohoho>> so fantastix n cool lah yur BLOG.>. I LIKE IT>KEEP it up mr pei.

Anonymous said...

Aku nk copy suffer age zine dkt ko kalo ada.