Sunday, April 10, 2011

New (Sun)Day Rising

Im in the midst of ending my Sunday, I missed riding yesterday and I seriously need to cycle for both days next weekend. I had little time earlier, for taking some pics and editing them as well. My LP player gone bonkers and I really hate it when it happened on Sunday especially when its the only day that I will have some leisure time flipping through all those vinyls.
Fact is, its always happened by phases. First the speakers then the cd players and now the vinyl player. Do not tell that my amplifier would be next. Sigh.
Anyway, some cool things dropped by last weekend. Probably that was some positive things happening in my life last week. I lost one deal and today my player goes bonkers, seriously that doesnt help the feelings that I had at the moment.
Alas, life has to go on. As someone said to me "life is a beach". Its an interesting thing to talk about, to ride and pass through. No doubt
That aside, New Day Rising is an epitome of emo that I know back in mid 90s or possibly late 90s. Hailed from Canada, they play screamy abrasive emo with torturing vocals. Akin to Grade, they carry the torch of Canada HC scene back then. I first listened to them when someone send me a dub cassette of their split with Believe. Cant stop liking it, I listened for that stuff for days or probably months. Probably the intensity, the ugliness and the beautiful music blend in together, it just hooked me.
Somewhere last 2 months, I bidded sets of 7" from this guy. I never actually believe that someone would put this stuff on ebay and secondly, its rather weird when someone put it on cheap. Here is the stuff in no particular order : NDR/ Despair, NDR/ Atlas Shrugged and NDR/NDR. To this day, I still cant believe that I won this. Thanks for the buyer. This is almost a dream come true. And now I need ti buy the split with Believe and their two others full length.

Probably about three months back, there was a special order for Coheed on Merchnow. I missed some of the earlier releases before and there is no way that I will missed out on this one. Fluorescent green marble on both LP and 7". This is a must have for all Coheed and Cambria lovers. Nothing much to comment on their music and ohh yeah, it comes with a special litograph gig tag and A3 poster. Sweet

While ordering from Merchnow, I saw Seventy Eight Days on vinyl. With nothing much to expect, I simply ordered and what they sent is beyond me. The 7" is on milky blue color. I mean how can a band that broke off years ago and still have it on colored? Probably doesnt sounds good as Chris Logan's early band which is Chokehold but hell, this is considered rare gems. Thanks to Merchnow for this. Musically, they played better than Chokehold, more technical but with better sounding than Chokehold. Chokehold was in your face, raw, militant HC but they always amazed me with their lyrics and explanations. One of those places that I wish I would go in the 90s, Ontario.

Last post would be on my another favorite label, Bridge 9. These guys were awesome, good on communication, fast to response and most importantly, they notified on everything that I ordered. I wish more and more labels would follow their way of doing distributions or records in that particular matter. So when I heard Defeater would be coming out with new LP, I decided that I would ordered all their previous LP and 7"s as well. The new one is much more mellow sounding than the previous one. The cover, the LP and the books was beautifully done with much passion. This is another extra thing that I believe sets them apart from other labels.
My new LP come with black vinyls and the other sides come with sketched design. Nicely done, nice packaging and awesome cover. In my own opinion, this is the best release to come from Bridge 9 this year both on musically and the package. Worth to order. And if you havent start ordering from Bridge 9, this is the time to do so. Not sure if they still have the same packages though

And yeah, the lyrics comes in a form of books, very beautiful and inspiring. Good thing to end my Sunday. See you folks. Keep spinning those vinyls or send it here (color and test presses are fully welcome :p)


Doug W said...

Great blog dude! The number of pictures you are posting is awesome!
I will definetely be checking it out!

Piesay said...

thx for the comment bro. help a comrade out, spread this to your frens too